Your Trusted Incineration, Steel Making & Recycling Service Provider!

Products and Services

Incineration, Steel Making & Recycling Service Provider

Our Efficient Incineration Process

  • Obtaining approval from SCE in coordination with waste generating entity
  • Waste collection, Transportation from our customer’s facility
  • Reception/Weighment of incoming waste at our facility
  • Safe and secure storage,
  • Sorting, blending, batching
  • Identification, labeling, and analysis of the feedstock
  • Pre-treatment where required
  • Loading of the waste into the process
  • Safety and Environmental Inspection, monitoring and record
  • Thermal treatment of the waste
  • Flue gas cleaning
  • Flue-gas cleaning residue management (from the flue gas treatment system)
  • Flue gas discharge
  • Emission monitoring and control
  • Wastewater control and treatment
  • Ash, solid residue management, treatment, and disposal
  • Documentation - Issuance of Disposal Certificate
  • Submission of data submission to Supreme Council for Environment (SCE)

Type of waste incinerated

Category No. 1 Health Care Waste

  • Infectious waste
  • Contaminated clothing/wipes and swabs
  • Pharmaceutical substances
  • Sharp materials, e.g., hypodermic needles
  • Veterinary wastes
  • Used medical equipment
  • Packaging materials
  • Laboratory wastes
  • Radioactive contaminated materials
  • Bio-Medical & Clinical Wastes

Category No. 2 Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Waste

  • Spent chemical waste
  • Surplus and expired chemical waste
  • Diaper production waste
  • Process sludge containing absorbable organic halides (AOX)
  • Sludge from tissue and diaper manufacturing companies.
  • Used filters
  • Used cotton filters
  • Used engine filters
  • Used charcoal filters
  • Used air filters
  • Contaminated filters/ filter bags
  • Expired paints
  • Expired chemicals -base coat, topcoat
  • Obsolete base paint
  • Liquid chemical sludge
  • Halogenated sludges
  • Non-halogenated sludges
  • Etp sludge (primary)
  • Waste oil/used oil/ skimmed oil /oily sludge
  • Sludge from water treatment plants
  • Sulfur sludge
  • Oily sludge emulsion
  • Sludge and filters contaminated with oil
  • Sludge containing oil
  • Cargo residue, washing water, and sludge containing oil
  • Cargo residue and sludge containing chemicals
  • Residue or sludge containing phenol
  • Chromium bearing residue and sludge
  • Contaminated waste oil mix
  • Transformer oil contaminated with PCB
  • Oil from wastewater treatment
  • Drilling mud containing oil
  • Halogenated solvents
  • Non-halogenated solvents
  • Other organic liquids
  • Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides
  • Resins, latex, monomers
  • Resin residues
  • Furnace or reactor residue and debris
  • Discarded containers used for chemicals and hazardous substances
  • Spent activated carbon
  • Tank bottoms
  • Spent catalyst
  • Oil-contaminated soil & spill collection waste
  • Oily rags, waste gloves, masks, etc.
  • Expired laboratory chemicals
  • Pipeline pigs
  • Hydrocarbon contaminated filters
  • Glass wool insulation
  • Wastewater filters
  • Tarry residues and still bottoms from distillation
  • Organic residues
  • Residues from alkali wash of fuels
  • Spent catalyst and molecular sieves
  • Date-expired products
  • Acidic and alkaline residues
  • Spent acid and alkali
  • Wastes from detergent manufacturing
  • Paper-data destruction
  • Destruction of telephone cards
  • Other industrial hazardous Waste except for mercury & radioactive mate
  • Batteries, Lithium.
  • Batteries, Magnesium.
  • Batteries, Nickel-Cadmium.
  • Batteries, Mercury.
  • Batteries, Dry Cell, Mixed, including but not limited to Alkaline, Carbon Zinc and Manganese (pre-sorted for disposal).
  • Batteries, Silver.
  • Batteries, Lead Acid, Drained and Undrained.
  • Batteries, Gel-filled.
  • Compressed Gas Cylinders, including but not limited to chlorofluorocarbons, fluorine, bromine, acetylene, oxygen, halon, and nitrogen (does not include chlorine).
  • Cartridges, including but not limited to diesel starter, propane, and butane.
  • Compressed Gas Cylinders, including Cartridges. Mixed calibration gases.
  • Inorganic Acids, including, but not limited to nitric, phosphoric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric.
  • Organic Acids, including but not limited to acetic, formic, benzoic, and carboxylic.
  • Battery Acid.
  • Bases and mixtures of bases (liquid or solid), including but not limited to sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and metal hydroxides.
  • Ammonia and Ammonia Compounds, liquid or solid, including but not limited to cleaning solutions, fertilizers, and urea.
  • DS-2, Decontaminating Agent: Diethylenetriamine 70%, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, 28%, and sodium hydroxide 2%.
  • Chlorine containing compounds, liquid, including but not limited to laundry bleach.
  • Chlorine Contains compounds, solid including but not limited to chlorinated lime and super tropical bleach (calcium hypochlorite).
  • Chlorine Gas, in cylinders.
  • Alcohol, including but not limited to methanol, isopropyl and ethanol.
  • Solvents, Non-Halogenated including but not limited to paint strippers, paint thinners, and dry-cleaning solvents.
  • Solvents, Halogenated, including but not limited to paint strippers, paint thinners, and dry-cleaning solvents.
  • Solid waste contaminated with solvents and/or petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons, including but not limited to soil, cardboard, wood, and rags.
  • Aromatic Hydrocarbons, including but not limited to toluene, benzene, and xylene.
  • Printing products, halogenated or non-halogenated, including but not limited to toners and inks.
  • Photographic Products, halogenated and non-halogenated, including but not limited to fixers, bleaches, and developers.
  • Heavy metal contaminated solid waste, including but not limited to soil, fly ash, activated carbon, sandblast or similar media, rubber from shooting ranges, firing range residue, mud trap water, and street sweep; containing contaminants including, but not limited to, chromium, chromium VI, mercury, lead, iron, zinc, and beryllium.
  • Heavy metal contaminated liquid waste, including but not limited to wash rack liquids, reinstate, and x-ray waste containing contaminants including but not limited to chromium, chromium VI, mercury, lead, zinc, and beryllium.
  • Mercury and mercury-containing items, including but not limited to mercury vapor lamps and dental amalgam.
  • Paint, Non-Halogenated.
  • Paint, Halogenated.
  • Paint, Polyurethane, including but not limited to CARC paint.
  • Paint Related Waste, including but not limited to brushes, empty containers (plastic or metal), filters, textiles, cardboard.
  • Putties/Fillers/Caulk halogenated and non-halogenated.
  • Glues, Adhesives, and resins halogenated and non-halogenated.
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fungicides /Insecticides, liquid, including but not limited to pure product, contaminated liquid, and creosote (organic and Inorganic).
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fungicides /Insecticides, solid, including but not limited to pure product or mixtures of product (organic and Inorganic).
  • Pesticides / Herbicides / Fungicides /Insecticides, aerosol (organic and Inorganic).
  • Waste used oils, petroleum and synthetic, contaminated with but not limited to antifreeze, brake fluid, solvents, and sludge. Oils include but not limited to engine oil, transmission and lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, emulsions, and insulation and transformer oil.
  • Oil, unused, in various size containers including but not limited to transmission and lubricating oil, engine oil, insulation, transformer oil, and synthetic oil.
  • Waste Fuel, including but not limited to diesel, gasoline, kerosene, and aviation fuel. Contaminated with but not limited to brake fluid, antifreeze, water, dirt, solvents, and sludges.
  • Grease, including but not limited to automotive grease.
  • POL Contaminated Solids, including but not limited to rags, absorbents, plastic containers, and activated carbon.
  • Filters may be contaminated with but not limited to fuel and oil.
  • POL Contaminated Soil, <3% contamination.
  • POL Contaminated Soil, >3% contamination.
  • Diethylene Glycol, including but not limited to brake fluid.
  • Cyanide and cyanide containing wastes, liquid or solid.
  • Tar/ Bitumen / Asphalt.
  • Aerosol Cans, Ferric metal with harmful residual contents, no pesticides or polyurethane foam.
  • Polyurethane Foam, aerosol or solid.
  • Asbestos and asbestos-bearing items, including but not limited to brake shoes, safes, and file cabinets.
  • "Wood, treated with but not limited to creosote, PCP, pesticides, and paint."
  • Fire Extinguisher residue, liquid or solid.
  • Fire Extinguisher canisters with liquid or solid residue.
  • Desiccants.
  • Peroxides, liquids, and solids.
  • Medicine, uncontrolled.
  • Light tubes and lamps, including but not limited to fluorescent light tubes and sodium vapor lamps.
  • Detergents and soaps, solids, and liquids, including but not limited to household and industrial products.
  • Cleaning Compounds, liquids, and solids, including but not limited to furniture and equipment polish, rubbing compounds, metal cleaners, and wax.
  • Antifreeze and Anti-Icing Compounds, including but not limited to products containing ethylene glycol and propylene glycol that may be contaminated with but not limited to dirt, oil, water, and fuel.
  • Chlorofluorocarbons, not including compressed gases.
  • Spill Residue, including but not limited to absorbents, rags, oily rags, soil, empty paint cans, and debris from clean-up of chemical spills (other than POLs).
  • Cardboard Tubes coated with tar containing zinc.
  • Chemical Defense Equipment (CDE), Certificate of Disposal Required (2.4.1).
  • Flameless Ration Heaters may contain magnesium or other water-reactive chemicals.
  • Electronic Scrap, includes television sets, computers, laptops, DVD players, etc.

Zero Hazardous Waste to Landfill

CROWN STEELMOULD BSC (C) ensures Zero Hazardous waste to a landfill site in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Responsible and effective incineration has become an expectation from our customers, environmental authorities, and interested parties. The sustainability efforts such as diversion of the landfill into incineration is an important step to demonstrate environmental stewardship. CROWN STEELMOULD BSC (C) contributes and assists to ensure the Bahrain land is pollution-free by preventing hazardous waste sent to a landfill site.

Salvage and Recycling

Recyclable items such as iron, steel, strapping, plastic packaging, drums, containers, wooden pallets are recovered for reuse and recycling. Zero Waste to Landfill program results in not only efficiency in incineration processes but also saves physical and financial resources through conservation efforts and reuse of raw materials. By recycling waste, we assist to save the environment. To help reduce the impact of carbon emissions recycling become significant.

Benefits of Incineration

Landfills are a source of greenhouse gasses. Biogas from these dumpsites contains about 46 percent carbon dioxide and 54 percent methane. In addition, about 11 percent of methane gas produced by humans comes from trash. Advance incineration facilities reduce contaminants coming from discarded and dumped solid waste materials. The bottom ash residues produced as a byproduct of incinerating solid waste materials are relatively non-hazardous waste, provided they underwent proper treatment. These residues could be safely put into landfills or upcycled as a construction aggregate. The advantages of waste incineration include elimination or reduction of landfills due to a reduction of waste volume, alternative energy sources through waste-to-energy conversion, extraction of metals and other materials for recycling, better recycling, and upcycling practices, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions such as methane using proper technologies.


Incineration has a place to co-exist with recycling as it can provide the hygienic treatment of the remaining waste that is not suitable for sustainable recycling, and at the same time generate energy from it, rather than it being sent to a landfill. Recycling and Incineration are complementary to achieve lower landfill rates.